Most of my poetry on here is from 2 years ago Back when I was - not depressed - But covered in a blanket of social anxiety and under confidence which could have easily been mistaken for such
Each of my poems from then involves the romantic dreams of a naive young girl searching for a purpose, searching for her purpose
Each of my poems from then ends in a query - as if - I didn't think I could possibly be right and I was still trying to find my way
Each of my poems from then involved an intrinsic indecisiveness from a time when my every word every glance every action was blanketed and wrapped into a burrito of - "am I doing this right?" "what should I do?" "Should I even be...?"
But now, It's two years later and about time for me to get my ***** together It's come for me, whether I'm ready or not Time to leave my bubble and take my first step time for applications I'm not nearly as experienced, wise, nor knowledgeable as I could, should, will be But I better get my act together and look like I AM