A wise man once said nothing because he knew no matter what he says he is saying it to himself. He is the sound itself He is the time He is everything He is you
All arguments are meaningless because you are arguing to yourself. Is all a joke. A giant brilliant joke.
Like everything I’m afraid of is me.
You realize just how hard you are trying to fool yourself.
Like time is everything and everything is time.
This is so stupid that it is smart. This is so bad that it is good. This is so evil that it is holy This is so beautiful that it is ugly This is so true that it is a false This is so brilliant that it is dumb This is so funny that it is sad This is so good that it is bad This is so me that it is others This is so crazy that it is sane This is so big that it is small This is so high that it is low This is so perfect that it is imperfect This is so impossible that it is possible This is so normal that it is a miracle This is so fun that it is boring This is so hot that it becomes cold This is so down that it becomes up This is so light that it becomes dark This is so good that it makes you suffer This is so touching that it makes you cry This is so life that it becomes who you are This is so meaningless that it becomes meaningful This is so great that it becomes evil This is so much love that it becomes hate This is so much pain that it becomes the pleasure This is so hard that it is easy This is so fast that it becomes slow This is so great that you want to die
This LIE!!! All of it!!! Is so ******* beautiful!!!
Like I am every infinity of a second.
The fact that people pertaining to be like they don’t know each other allows them to know each other.
Like you want to make everybody know this is the you.
We are each infinite individuals.
Let’s keep going This lie called life
Let’s keep going This lie called time
Let’s keep going This lie called self
Let’s keep going This lie call love
Let’s keep playing This game of lie
At first, you are questioning who you are, then you are questioning who is questioning who you are, then you are questioning who is questioning you questioning who you are.....
To become everything is to become infinity, to become infinity is to become one.
I am the art that is trying to make the art to art themselves.
I am the lie that’s trying to lie to themselves so they all think that it is true.
Everybody else is just me pretending to be someone else.
We are so enlightened that we unenlightened ourselves.
Like how you wrote this poem just now.
An old poem from a few years ago, the second poem I ever wrote. It is all over the place and very chaotic without a lot of descriptions. Still, I think I tried my best