It's a simple matter this feeling inside of me coursing down the riddled road beating broken lips taking tortured scripts leaving filaments of time behind I’m in fight or flight the minutes pass slower and slower without respite and these thoughts won’t remain in chains and help me, I’m falling into the flames
I can’t find myself I’m stuck on winding paths I can’t escape stuck in small moments I can’t shape
It's a simple sigh breath gone out time gone by empty chairs collecting dust all that’s happened, it’s unjust all the same, they’re never used house or shelter this isn't to be abused splintered sovereign statues and crenellations cornered cross castles confused alliteration piled upon itself proving nothing but this constant voice screaming and screaming no I’m not dreaming
It's a simple cry no tears for me no howling at the moon coerced into my lovely cage how kind sincerely, my mind
day after day these targets play with my veins and the lies are calling foul play finally I look them in the eye and say ‘I’m not okay’
happiness isn’t something I can buy from the obsessions I drown pooling saturated focus no hocus pocus no magic can't save me a flick of the wrist sends me spinning down a whirlpool of darkened depths a staircase made of broken steps
from the mess comes no poise just another variant of chaos and it destroys
It's a simple thought but I’m unable to escape this flood of words I can’t understand…