I can’t escape these thoughts It’s like I’m drowning In a sea of hatred, anger, anxiety, And the fear of losing someone Who meant so much to me. The world was crashing around us And I can’t do anything to save you From the fires of hell Coming to get you.
You say I’m clingy, needy, codependent. But if you took two seconds To look at what is Happening around us, You’d see that I’m not Just your clingy ex-girlfriend, I’m clinging onto dear life Because ******* we’re Only hanging on by a single thread. You grabbed it before I could even tell we were falling
You say that I use you but How on earth could I use you When I can’t tell what you’re thinking? Manipulation. Mind tricks. All impossible when the subject is Stuck, accusing everyone of The same **** joke. Newsflash sweetheart, The joke is over. You took us, made us forget ourselves And now nothing in the world makes sense
I can’t escape these thoughts Because you’re drowning me In a sea of your hatred Your anger Your anxiety Your fear.