your hair was golden blonde and your eyes were equated to stars far more than once by an ocean of sands within an hour glass
his hair was shimmering bronze and his eyes were blue as the sea and he saw you and he smiled as he answered your loving plea
i assume he felt like four leaf clovers, and shiny lotteries oh all the sands in the hour glasses when i spotted you among the masses couldnt match the yellow hyacinths that sprouted so surely from me-
for you walked in hand in hand.
you are an angel bathed in light as anyone could see does it make me so blind to shift my gaze; to know the light was he?
(you are a fair maiden with smiles so saccharine) (i am a boy much darker than i am sweet) (so why do i cry to the midnight sky) ("he should've loved me- he should've loved me!")