We the people are a Sisyphean collective our punishment: progressing humanity
With fiery eyes and frothing mouth we charge towards its surfaces bashing those with scrawny shoulders ricochet like sparks from flint watch as we fall back how it moves a fraction of a hair length knowing that if all our efforts were combined surely, humanity would’ve accelerated
But we the people are a democratic anarchy each one to their own
Each thrusts towards their own direction each blow is counterbalanced by another as we foam like sea surf on a shoal crushing from all sides and our humanity crawls in place amongst us
For we, the people are a paradox of will the driving, and the stalling force
Insignificantly small, with significant resistance the viscous drag that ebbs and flows a choreography of chaos and confusion we are so many so many more
And humanity is singular a monument to our failures its minuscule fluctuations a testament of battles fought but from a far, and from way forward it is but a speck of dust which, ever silent, floats throughout the cosmos
15th installment in the series of poems inspired by physics. Like many of the poems in this series, this one also reflects on the richness of the phenomenon called "diffusion" or "brownian motion". For more reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_relation_(kinetic_theory)