There's a blind man on the corner That keeps staring at me As the dog that's sitting by his side Keeps whispering in his ear
I know their talking about me Cause the blind man keeps nodding his head I'm not paranoid or anything At least I don't think that I am
I keep straining hard to listen But to many words do I miss At this very moment I wish I could read dog lips
As if this couldn't get any stranger A bus pulls up to the curb Out steps Wayne Newton And before he utters a word
He pulls a cat out of his bag With a sharp chill on the wind The cat and the dog both hug They appear to be the best of friends
As if this is not strange enough The blind man drops the leash The cat picks it up As he and the dog skip off down the street Where they're picked up for jay walking by the Chief of Police
Wayne Newton gave a concert With the money we paid their bail When it came time for their release They were no longer in jail
All there was was a tunnel With a blank note left behind Cause everybody knows Cats and dogs can't write
Last that I heard They had a Villa in the South of France Where they took in blind mice And taught them all how to dance Which started a new dance craze called The "Blind Mice Dance Like They Got Ants In Their Pants" Dance
I swear this all really happened! If you don't believe me you can ask my Armadillo, but listen closely...cause he's a whisperer too.