So many words looking for a home or just a page to rest upon or a rhyme to complete or a poem that they can call home as they look forward to the beauty of the next moment or the next hour and as they sink roots into the present their strength grows as they think about tomorrow.
Sometimes the world is just too loud for these ears that sometimes hear words that don't need to be said and stories that don't need to be told along with lies that others thought that they could hide.
Some things aren't meant to be heard and upon hearing these things it sometimes makes me wish that I was deaf to the world.
I would rather give up hearing those sweet sounds like those that lovers make in the pre-dawn hours of the night than to be assaulted by things that I never wanted to hear.
As the world goes by I stand before it smiling and loving because I have laid naked and bared my soul and quenched my dreams and lost my pride beside so many while deep inside always true.
Again I rise out of the ashes ready to face the world again enslaved by poetry and reading endless poems and writing happy ever afters about true love and the one.
When I am done I am brought back to the real world of disappointments and cheaters but know that if I seek not outside that I will find that heaven is within.
This time I found love and my own heaven that is here to stay and that is all that I need to say.
Know the value of love and don't be tormented by things out of your control and know that people will forget what you said and forget what you did but will never forget how you made them feel. Jon York 2013