If I were a steaming cup of tea- Fresh from the kettle- And you were a solid cube of ice I’d melt you like a puddle, and we’d be one.
If I were a hot blacktop pavement- Searing from the sun- And you were a sticky piece of gum I’d melt you like a puddle, and we’d be one.
If I were a pocket to a pair of overalls- Tumbling from the dryer- And you were a waxy type of crayon I’d melt you like a puddle, and we’d be one.
If I were myself- Sizzling from your love- And you were yourself- Going in for a hug- You’d melt me like a puddle, and we’d be one.
This was my first semi-serious attempt doing a freeverse poem. I made this for my creative writing class, and I thought it was too cute to not share :)