Drunk on polluted farts of the left winds pulled by long noses into witless pens spewing red ink artificial energy from Columbia and caffeine powered husks vacuous soldiers of Mao and Lenin re-drilling Winter Palace debacle woke world of plastics damaged to plastic pollution by damagers fair
Narrow minded short sighted rabbles humming Laissez-faire sanctioners regulating home-brewed hocks equal distribution is hatching Gullivers limb by limp to feed giants makes sense in the senseless vacuum of bacon slashers by Farm pigs beasts of every land and clime this is the new world order by crimson
Pol *** psychologists are making the future cancerous and caffeinated they read minds and pull strings power is making my bad choices, frustration and inadequacies yours two wrong makes right and dare see left as a wrong or you are goner altra right come take lessons on how to mask and leave pointed hats behind......
The pigs gained leadership because they were recognized as the cleverest by the other animals. Someone had to plan out the work, Pigs power rule OK.