a case of addiction a throw-away case a waste of perfectly unusable space
a page of pulp fiction a thrown away page crumpled and tossed aside in a rage
a missed direction a mystery chase a tracing of a map misplaced
an act of misdirection amiss and untraced a misty night on a sunny day
a never ending cycle a journey nowhere a cycle with no journey a re-closed cold case
don't get on my case don't get in my way I've already been in there for days
I've already seen the final page I've already beat the denial stage already been swept up in rage I tried bargaining with the cage better to accept it at this stage
I'll swallow up the burning coals it's all I've ever really known I don't have any decent goals don't even have a go but I sure put on a show when all I have to show
are scars and blisters from my burnt out tongue an itchy trigger finger without thumbs regrets and defeat without wisdom unsettling scenes obscene as ***** wet from the rain of fire from above I'll settle on dealing by feeling numb