I am the glass in your window. Your eye struggles to see me, Not through me. Unless I am cracked, soiled or ajar, Spewing air that makes you uncomfortable. You keep me for protection And because my appearance makes Your house look good, inviting.
Every once in a while, Your eyes catch a glimpse of your reflection In me. So you cover me up, Hide me from the light And shield your eyes from seeing Your true nature.
If I shatter under attack, You scold me for being too fragile, Sensitive to the hurt thrown at me. If the sun shines too bright, You blame me for being too transparent. If the rain patters too loudly against me, You chastise me for being too resonant.
But you knew what I was when you chose me, Picked me to be here. I couldn't hide even if I wanted to.
Over time, The forces pulling me down Leave me uneven. Because though still I may seem, Inside, I am just A collection of millions of atoms Constantly moving, vibrating, changing.
Care for me you could, But instead you choose to ignore. Eventually replacing me with something newer, Shinier, And more like the others.