I stand at the foot of reason, and feel the need to climb-- ev'r so high upon her mount where the cloud breaks and her pinnacle understanding peaks.
Only to take a great leap of faith head first off the mighty cliff, into an abyss of the unknown where my greatest fears and desires lay to waste in the nothingness.
Most days I can't fathom why I climb, out of bed, into the world, into the light. yet I find a reason to leave my covers, my sanctuary of warmth and protection. I meet you at a little coffee shoppe;
A Wednesday morning cup of coffee steaming upon my rugged face sleep deprived and wishing the week's end. Stuck in the inevitable climb of reason and unfulfilling success.
I doubt my existence and purpose, like every other Wednesday. yet here I am, struggling along fighting the same tragic fight with absolutely no reason,
but reason itself good enough to keep me moving on to another Wednesday and -- another cup of coffee, Another reason to climb
procrastinating studying for a political science final exam