You pull me down so I can’t see the mountains You block my eyes so I can’t see the sky. You take the joy from every day endeavors And I am left with naught to do but cry.
You don’t return the sentiments I give you You never say the words I long to hear. You don’t observe the world the way that I do It causes me to shed an endless tear.
You know you cannot live without me Yet you treat me as an unimportant thing. I’m just expected to be happy Because I wear your golden ring.
You cast a haze on celebrations You never help me to succeed. You always think I shouldn’t bother To step in where I might see a need.
You put no value on my efforts There is no praise when I excel You spend your love on your possessions There’s none for me that I can tell.
I cannot see a way around this You’ve blinded me to every hope I exist in worlds of darkness In a TV Opera selling soap. ljm
I don't remember now, what exactly he did, but it made me very mad and every old gripe floated to the surface.