A sip, I feel it go down my throat smoothly And as it reaches my tummy I feel warmth A feeling I had forgotten After taste on my tongue Bittersweet like my life And a sip turns into a gulp Because why not? I love how it makes me feel Giddy, happy, joyful And so I stand up glass in hand In my granny underwear and my favorite sweater And I sway my hips to the music in my head I grind my *** on the crotch of my imaginary guy The perfection he is, I like who I am when he’s near Pure bliss I love what’s in my glass And so I throw the glass away Drink straight up from the bottle I feel like a bad girl Because mama said glasses were for ladies And bottles for crazies And I smile because it feels so **** good And because I don’t know who I am I keep drinking hoping to find my answers At the bottom of my bottle And when I find none, I’ll open another one Mama said never give up And my mission is to find answers by the end of the night Oh dear Wine I wish everyone was like you Tonight you have heard me tell you how lost I am Tonight you have let me dance with you in my arms Tonight you have listened and not judged Tonight I have taken and felt bliss as a reward Is this how people feel when they take from me Pure bliss and joy because I never ask back And for a moment I sobered up And I looked at your bottle in my arms Poor wine! She has given away the good stuff And now she’s empty inside Left nothing for herself now she’s useless and not needed And before I opened your sister sweet white I realized in a sober world you and I are the same Always giving until we were empty But tonight I drink so for once I’ll take Even if it's just from a bottle of sweet sweet wine. Jojo.poetry