The silver gray monolith floated on the air getting its bearings After an hour they located their position Then they started their engines and climbed higher Big diesel engines taking the Zeppelin higher Out of range of ground guns and flimsy British planes Which were slow and antiquated death traps They found their target and bombed at will Killing innocent English civilians in their beds at night The victims in a new chapter of warfare Death from the night sky utterly without warning The English had nothing like this No terror bomber weapon to strike at night Hitting the enemy at will with high explosives Raid after raid got through month after month But Britain endured and absorbed the blows Science provided the answer to halt the menace New aeroplanes were made with high performance Being fast high climbers to catch the Zeps Then bringing their guns and small bombs to bear New tracer and incendiary bullets ignited the gas The six hundred foot airships burnt like candles Incinerating their crews alive for they had no βchutes England was now safe from the marauding Germans At least till the bombing planes came Then the game started all over again...