Ur ******* crazy Because your young and I can see the adventure in ur eyes You don’t do nothin on weekends Still most confident and withdrawing Rather ride around on the beach by the water where you live Than hang out with me, us
I guess I should’ve thought of that before I fell for you hard Bout how you prefer your lonesome Let me in Before I found out how many miles an hour your moped can go I should probably’ve done something Need to stop idolizing you
Read me Take my foot and drag it against your leg Own me, why do I predict I’ll be too needy You’ll take distance and cancel You’ll cancel and fall in passion with your own mind and soul
Look down at the ground Bend your endless back Show me those eyes with your amazingly hopeful smile Bend up again and talk a bit slurry Dark dark tones, tender Let me combine your guitar strings with my aching desire
Aching aching Desperate for adventure And all the other ones sit quiet and awkward looking into complete and pure nite Me and them have already shared our ideas Empty empty and desperate for action For love, wondering if this is all we’ll ever be
Put me on to your black motorcycle and never stop Grab my thighs while I’m behind you to ’assure’, I’m stuck to you and I won’t fall of Only if a double decker bus crashes into us I will fall off With you
Whisper how you feel Even if you’re only expressing hunger I see visions in those dark brown eyes Tip toe into the bathroom, look in the mirror Yayo, yes you I’m always buzzing just like neon
Imagine Make our souls complete Join the ones who just are there Confess loneliness Slow dance in the dark Et prends ta guitar
Now there’s one last chance Don’t reject again Paris, way to set up but With our school french group thirty people Possible freedom with your friends and mine But only if you touch me with your fingertips
So I don't know what to do. After the trip to France in the end of May we'll just go to school for a couple of days and then say goodbye forever, if not. He's sixteen, I'm fifteen and we'll start a different education such as everybody else around us.