upon becoming a nestling sans nest, i decided to make a half-baked plan of mandates, stating how i ought to quest, trough to crest. egesting the presently unpleasant facets, i adopted a policy of empirical puerilism. now a newly groovy pluvi-dendrophile philomath, a counterbalanced feng shui caricature, promptly finding rapture bereft of culture. plundering the dysfunctional, worshiping the digressive. anything is adjustable, everything can be lovable. finding bravery in regret, forever simply vincible. basking in the ebullience, bringing passion with my presence. learning to rhapsodize my sentience, projecting admittedly confusing ontologisms, concerned with not much else than pleasance. my means of conception have become my heaven, and with no evidence of the clandestine, i simply stepped in.