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Apr 2019
Choose two mountains
And split one to a pair of hills
A hill divides in two to mounds
One mound is halved to coupled knolls
One knoll, it is but boulders two
a boulder breaks to stone, and stone
a stone comprise two pebbles
and a pebble is two shards
one shard you snap in two whole grains
and now
pick up the grain
and face it, eye to eye
and the shard that wasn’t halved
place a fist length
to the back, and to the right
and the pebble just a foot away behind
and all the rest, this way aligned
to the right, and to the back
in ever widening gaps
up to the mountain that was left
way in the distance, scraping skies
a grain, a shard, a pebble
a stone, a rock, a knoll
a mound, a hill, a mountain
are all the same
all woven in repeated pattern
defined out of themselves
therefore, all mountains
depending on perspective
are just grains

Take your aspirations
This is a new series I'm trying to write. It will comprise poems that were inspired by physical phenomena or philosophies that I encountered throughout my years studying. The goal is to reach ~ 20 of those and bind them in a booklet (along with their translation in my native tongue). Currently seems impossible, but each pebble at a time...

Thoughts and comments are appreciated
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