No one knows the Me I am, I wish they'd truly understand; I'm full of love and sympathy, but they don't see, these things in me. ~ I'm easy going and quiet at times, for anyone, I'd lay down my life; A blessing I do long to be, I truly love Humanity. ~ I want to fulfill, my God's plan, a purpose for the me I am; I'm nice to everyone I meet, though they may not, be nice to me. ~ I am, by no means, cruel at all, even though I do have many faults; I try to treat everyone so kind, I'll always have the extra time. ~ I'm ordinary, not much to me, I'm simple in the ways I think; I will stand up for what is right, and won't back down from any fight. ~ I think this sums up who I am, I'm not that good, but I'm not bad; I pray for everyone I know, and wish the best, where e'er they go.