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Feb 2019
How Does the Caged Bird Sing?
A sad tune, an encapsulated gloom.

To be o’ full of life and still suffer that heavy plight
that has clipped her wings from flight.

She *****, she does, but the bars of hard steel encase her like tar filled lungs.

The pain she endures, knowing that there is more,
no matter how much she pecks at that door.

A wish to remain in the clouds,
defying what all have said was allowed.

But alas she is broken,
without faith in her own token.

Time cannot set her free,
only that of which remains in her memory can be the key.

So unlock it I say, turn sad and dismay
into that blue summer day.

To dream is to fly, not within the bounds of the sky but further than where any has gone before.

How does the caged bird sing?
A joyous tune, that has now begun to ring.
Written by
Chris Lazzaro
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