It is always good when old friends reunite, even if it is miles apart. When you see an old Friend, that you have not seen in many years. Then add them to your Facebook, or see them in person then connect. For Friends connect just like old Lovers connect but in an different way. I am so Blessed , because many of my Friends from Hon and Iowa. I been Lately connecting with many of them , just like old school chums. I am so thankful, for each and every one of them that I connected with again. I feel the pain from losing touch with , if I was able to go and changed things. I would have done things differently with time I truly have missed them. For each of them were very Special to me, I thank God for each of them. For they each have made an difference in my life and their Love has changed me. I am more Blessed than I could speak, for like I said Friends Love heals my heart. Reuniting with Friends in Maryland, other states and countries is Awesome as well.