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Feb 2019
Brothers in War
Why did the two brothers fight one another?
In opposing armies on the same battlefield
Because one was Latvian and the other Russian
Both had the same father but different mothers
The Latvian one welcomed the Nazis when they came
For he was fascist and hated communists
He collaborated and was happy for a few short years
Till fortunes of war made the Soviets come
The Nazis left after battling the new Soviet occupiers
The Latvian bro knew what would happen so was ready
He fought the Soviet invaders with his Mauser rifle
Killing many but eventually being cornered in a village
There were informers about and the Soviets knew
With no escape he vowed to never surrender
The Russians sent his Russian brother to **** him
There was no negotiation for he was a collaborator
His bro tried to flush him out with machine gun fire
And then with accurate rifle shots hoping for a headshot
The Latvian bro had two shots left including one for him
When his chance was there he took it and fired
The Russian bro was a loyal communist and wanted promotion
But he slipped up in his zeal and got nailed by his bro
Who then blew his own ******* head off with his big toe
Thus died two brothers on opposing sides and ideologies
Now forgotten by all except the ghosts
nick armbrister
Written by
nick armbrister  122/Two-Spirit/earth
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