If you love your land then say ever, "whether I live or not this nation should live on"
If you love your land then say ever, "whether I live or not this nation should live on"
And this after my time shall live on, "whether I live or not this nation should live on"
Rip my veins open and string them in a sitar, and play the song of the nation plucking again and again:
this love for the land should well-over in the eyes, "Whether I live or not this nation should live on;"
Let the enemy be warned, learn not to breach limits, this my nation is eternal: learn this truth be told!
Let the lustre of this devotion shine vivified,
"whether I live or not this nation should live on"
This be my pledge o nation, pledge, o nation, this be mine: may I forget thee not for a moment even,
every drop that courses in my veins is yours this blood, and here I offer what is ever yours;
This is a war for honour, pride be high,
"whether I live or not this nation should live on
whether I live or not this nation should live on
whether I live or not this nation should live on"
from the latest biopic of the patriotic Queen of Jhansi in central India, who died fighting British colonial atrocities in India's fist war of independence
the exceptional original lyrics are by acclaimed poet Prasoon Joshi:
to make the poem more general, I've changed 'Bharat' or 'India' in the original to 'nation' - without losing the sense of the poem; same as for Lute instead of Sitar!