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Jan 2019
god i have to get out of this place
maybe i'll run to the blue ocean where the waves will touch me with a softer blow than all the hard ones i had to face
maybe i'll run to the forest where the butterflies live in secret and they will whisper all about the unknown
maybe i'll run to the rocky cliff where i imagined flying so many times while the white rose slips from my hand
maybe i'll run to the desert in hopes that all the heat will take the pain from my body
maybe i'll run to the mountains where i'll feel like i'm on top of the world for once and not pushed down under
maybe i'll run away
maybe i'll run to you
Written by
lovelywildflower  17/F/Somewhere Beautiful
(17/F/Somewhere Beautiful)   
     Makayla Jane, ---, alexa, Perry, --- and 2 others
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