I speak no riddle and play no game when I say I call the bluff For I found on this very ground that love is packaged fluff That no word nor heart goes into even the deepest midnight kiss And so I declare in this lifetime that love does no exist
Before you ask me who I am to make such accusations Or what must have occurred in heart or mind to scream such allegations I am the fool thats folly lies in hopes of something more As he found himself abandoned in his own heart's heavy doors
There is no happy ending to the twisted words I speak No comfort or nighttime companion to banish such thoughts with a kiss on the cheek Only a wishing and a mourning for all the wasted time Where I searched for such a treasure that could never truly be mine
Could it be that love to me is only a distant stranger That love is not extinct, but just simply endangered Is it possible that love exists and strives to keep alive The only thing driving it and us being the simple will to survive
I look to you, dear reader, and ask to look within yourself To see within you lies something that can be found in no one else And that every brute, every break, and every burn leads to a love forever more Would such a treasure, so coveted, be worth fighting for
And so with each side made and each argument formed, I retire into myself Picking up both my pen and my heart from the dusty shelf For the answer I've looked for tonight is in both heart and mind combined That love in all its wonder is out there, but a challenge to find
If you notice, the initials for Fairies, Mermaids, and Leprechauns is...