Earn my hatred, if you shake my self-respect, Speak with caution, if you are on a dream target, Deal with me like a human being, else you regret, Criticize me constructively, else I would put you to upset.
Talk with me, But never interfere in my self-respect It is nothing but my life asset,
Control your speech like a budget, Never hit my self-respect, Else, You will face my words like a bullet, You will lose your respect, at the speed of a rocket.
In my little heart, I bear huge wounds, dreams, desperation and sorrows. Never shake it, Else You put my relationship to gallows.
I acknowledge your self-respect, Double than what you give back. With triple disrespect, I would hit back, As you dare to humiliate my self-respect.
Forget my happy face for you, If you prefer to play smart with my self-respect. Witness my intensive angry face in a seconds or few, If you are ready to treat me like a toilet.