Within the soft, sweet coolness, of a gentle, Summer's breeze; I heard my God speak to me, and I quickly hit my knees. ~ How could this living God, who created everything; See past all my mistakes, and truly forgive me? ~ And in the darkness of myself, I no longer felt alone; For I knew He walked beside me, where ever I may roam. ~ 'Tis then I prayed, "Oh Father, please ease my fears and woes; Be with me on my journeys, where ever I may roam. ~ If not for Your great love, Your mercy and Your grace; I would be a nothing, among the Human race." ~ Then I asked, "Dear Father, how could this truly be; That the good you see within me, is never what I see?" ~ My heart then filled with joy, and a peace came over me; For I knew within my heart, that Jesus set me free.