I thought it was me, when the contours of your brows lifted in muse hazel eyes that grow lighter when it connects to mine with the turquoise colour, you intendendly chose the clothes fitted you, like nobody else can wore you see, the gazes you gave comforted me and it gave me the boost I felt a little bit attractive, had a little worth with enthusiasm I look forward to the day once a week where I get to stare at you senseless, daydream like a spell
I thought it was me, but one day my waiting abruptly ended and there is no place for me to stare I stick around lonely hallways just to see your pretty face nobody told me the story no one intends to care till I found out one Monday morning that you eventually left
No, I am not broken hearted I did not like you that way I just felt a little weightless to know the truth awaits that the fancy gazes you gave me they're for somebody else I find it a little funny but I stood and looked ahead someday in the far future I will attract a flame and somewhere in the universe will be a teardrop for your pain