Walking in the woods is a nice way to spend time. Looking down the path. Looking back.
Past, the places you have been. Present, the place you are now. Future, what’s ahead of you.
You can see a fallen tree. You can see over it, but barley. You see another fallen tree. You don’t see anything, you can only guess on what’s coming next.
Later you will find That you are at the end of your walk. You look back on all the creatures you have met. The good and bad. Your walk just ended, Another has just begun. You have no bath left, They have the whole path a head of them.
Sometimes peoples walks end early, Sometimes they think the path ahead looks to hard to walk on. But no part was easy for the ones that actually walked all of it.
Other paths will cross. Paths will split off.
Your only goal is to make the walk last as long it can. Always find the path’s true ending. Don’t make your own.