it seeps under my fingernails into skin doused in clean! the filth is killed! then I spit at it.
caress my brow in a palm, any warm pocket of flesh a grandmother’s ***** the spine of a leaf my dog’s velvet-soft triangle-shaped ear anything that will let my grief get some rest
sorrow is heavy trash bag to haul
find me a bellhop or a sidewalk construction man something with biceps and a hardened face. someone who can clean **** up.
please, sweep these shards could maim a bystander why force one to bleed such an unnecessary truth wouldn't want to wreck these shiny floors
better to keep it hid, better tighten my lips around it I mean, how do -you- feel under these fluorescent lights? who is studying who?
I understand now my circus of an existence was born in a tight space between the exhausted description of my histories -the official ones- and