Slowly I walk past you Just sitting there so hopeless With the same outstretched hand Your face ridden with despair
I walk by trying to pay no heed To your fragile frame Turning a deaf ear to your plight
Deep within I try to hide My emotions not showing on my face My eyes turned cold As the day speeds along I find the face of you so haunting It sends shivers deep within my soul
You ask for nothing Yet your eyes so desperate Your body barely heated As you shiver in winters grip
For a second Two souls collide And I turn around looking back on your presence So blind to your surroundings You withdraw your arm
Forgive me For being ignorant to your plight
Your eyes say God bless you sir
How it feels to me when I come accross a soul who lost all and relies on handouts -begging for money or food at a street corner!how blessed are we!