Before, i love writing bright poems. Poems about nature, poems about how nature resonates heaven. Poems about how smile and laughter can light up the whole world. Poems about dreams, dreams that became fantasies. Poems that are filled with happiness and rainbows and all that.
that's all in the past. A monster ate all those rainbows and happiness that are living inside my head. The monster lived and stayed in my head.
The happy noises are all gone, now i'm left with this silence. The happy packages are all gone, now i'm left with this emptiness. The happy colors are all gone, now i'm left with this bland dye.
Oh, how I wish to bring back those happy noises, how I wish to bring back those happy packages, how I wish to bring back those happy colors.
Sad poems, they are my home now. Bland, sad, silent, empty, and all that. Those things comforted me. They're there to lessen this heavy package in my heart.
Sad poems, thank you for being my blanket when i'm cold. Sad poems, thank you for being my pillow in those sleepless nights. Sad poems, thank you for being my breath of fresh air, if that makes sense.
Poems, happy or sad, thank you for being my companion. Thank you for hearing all my sentiments. Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for being there. Thank you.