“It is our function as artists to make the spectator see the world our way not his.” - Mark Rothko
From where does this doubt in my poetself come? A neglectful or ignorant adult or my alienated teenage years? A therapist could better declare all the stuff from my past that impaired my image, security or sense of self find the dark corners in my mental health. So I’ll leave it to all the shrinks to discover why I think what I think.
Why so reluctant to publish a book or collection of my work make a website known far and wide? I still don’t know what that’s about but I hate the damnable doubt in my poetic abilities and skill and loathe my comparisons to the greats getting even close seems so uphill.
But that Rothko quote makes sense. It frees me and lets ME be.
I’m not forcing anyone to do anything my way but when others read a poem of mine they are invited into my mind to take a piece of my heart and see my world that moment of that day. There is no force involved it was their choice to read and I’m grateful they took the time to linger with my verse or rhyme.
I love that old Sinatra song My Way it might have had a self-centered air, but it was a courageous thing to declare.
I also give thanks for those brave enough to post their poems in public to reveal to strangers and self-disclose. It IS like taking off your clothes to let us see what’s underneath and I thank the gods that be for a momentary journey into those worlds to try on the artist’s priceless pearls.