life takes one off guard. like standing behind a wall made of dark stone, living as prey waiting to be tackled by its predator. i’m an innocent song bird with honeycomb bones, and you are the green eyed tabby cat about to pounce. your claws rip out my feathers and the pain feels like boiling water running through my veins. my wings are wilted and i cannot see to peck at your soft eyes. you pierce your fangs into my neck and take me home to sit me on the doorstep. my blood is diseased and i’m tossed in the road with hands clad in blue gloves. you, the tabby cat, lick your paws clean of my filth and hunt for another. my sisters and brothers all sit in the branches along the trees waiting to hear my song. but, my song is crushed upon asphalt and my remains are scattered before the doorstep i was once laid upon. the maggots infest my brain and it’s almost as if i can feel their microscopic teeth. but, this isn’t me. this isn’t who i want to be. a maggot infested game. the prey for a predator, slain on red brick steps