this was meant to be a minute, but then i began to spin it and the words just took a hold, so bold so bright thrown like torches into the indigo night casting shadows on the back of the retreating blocked, blockhead blight, setting grass and tree alight, loosing now the tight hold of poetblock fear loosening the reins of rage making the transition into the feathered thing that takes flight and flys upward on mirrored wing to the sky, not tethered but also raw and unweathered unlimited by time, but destined to fall as energy becomes one with all, did not touch moon , did not see the sun but this minutě wordmoth soared and swooped before it's minute was done And now it flutters down to earth, saited and pleased to have been.. birthed, never to die but become byte eternal, read once twice or more.. does not matter wordmoths have learnt never try to keep score