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Nov 2018
Close your eyes and try to imagine;

a place where water makes you die,
a place so bad you'd rather live outside.

A place where the sun burns you till' the bone,
a place where you'll die all on your own.

A place where living is a nightmare,
a place where there is no food to share.

A place where people have no clothes,
a place where people have no homes.

Now look at yourself...

Where you are; what you wear.
You live in a place where people care,

You have nice clothes,
and shoes for your toes.

You pick what foods you want to eat,
the vegetables, the fruit, the meat.

You pick your life and the way you want it to go,
when so many people already know.
It just breaks my heart when I watch videos on where little kids live and what they have to go through everyday. I wish that we could all do something to change their lives, but there are so many of there poor people who live in such horrible conditions and still find things to be thankful for.
Masha Yurkevich
Written by
Masha Yurkevich  19/F/Playing the piano...
(19/F/Playing the piano...)   
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