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Nov 2018
So you wanna serve your country, huh?

Well to me, it seems like nobody’s fighting on the front.

Their all waiting for their grand opportunity.

Click. Click. Boom!

He went out with honors, y’all!

So you better believe it was all worth fighting for.

Now you’re telling me, you’re going into the Marines.

The few, the proud.

But doesn’t that mean I’m going to lose you, too?

Of course you’ll be working to make our country safer, but I’ll working behind the counter of a fast food restaurant.

You’ll be making life changing movements, but me, I’ll still be behind the books in the university.

So tell me, is it all the risk?

To lose you, and still come home a hero?

Because if you die, you’ll never play the basketball game you promised my kid brother.

You’ll never swish him in a pair of purple crocs.

You’ll never get to see me graduate.

But I will be serving my country, just not quite like you.

I’ll be saving lives, just not like you.

It’s pretty selfish of me, I admit.

But I don’t want to lose you, because I already lost myself.

You’re my first hello and my last goodbye.

Goodbye soldier, fight well for us all.
Written by
Chloe  17/F/In the depths of my mind
(17/F/In the depths of my mind)   
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