you listen to what passes for the TV news you read some but not all of social media views you notice that despite all internationalism it‘s mostly old sensationalism combined with more or less suggestive speculations about how many people may have died in forest fires to what imaginable depths the president aspires whether the North Koreans have more rockets despite the wonderful achievements of the national superdealer who of the leader‘s staff might be the next to lose her job or his credentials etc. etc.
in short the world has mostly shrunk to domestic politics and power games plus a few places on the globe where U.S. soldiers still are dying in order to protect their country‘s interests in oil, assorted mineral resources or allies of political expedience or a few thousand refugees from countries plagued by persecution or dictators are marching for weeks to claim asylum in the home of the brave and the free under the statue of liberty only to discover that they are seen as an invasion threatening that blesséd city upon a hill
visions have grown smaller more petty voices dominate the talk
a nation made of immigrants faced with the poor who flee from their oppressors decides to close its borders to the immigrants‘ next wave oblivious of the times when they themselves still searching for a better life found a new place where they felt safe led by the statue‘s torch that shone its light upon a poet‘s words of welcome:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
The last stanza is a quote from the poem „The New Colossus“ by Emma Lazarus, written in 1883. - For more information, check