May nature always remind me of You, O God, whether it’s
Ants scurrying industriously,
Bees pollinating flowers indiscriminately,
Cats luxuriating in the sun lazily,
Dogs romping together enthusiastically,
Elephants trumpeting triumphantly,
Foxes slinking sneakily,
Grapes in my mouth, bursting deliciously,
Hay drying aromatically,
Icicles sparkling brilliantly,
Jaguars pouncing energetically,
Kangaroos carrying young tenderly,
Llamas wearing dinner ties sportingly,
Monkeys screeching gleefully,
Nuts roasting over a fire temptingly,
Opossums pretending death silently,
Pandas chomping on bamboo incessantly,
Quail bursting from cover explosively,
Rabbits multiplying rapidly,
Snakes eating prey irreversibly,
Tigers snarling viciously,
Underwater springs burbling unceasingly,
Vultures circling patiently,
Wasps defending hive notoriously,
X-rays enabling bones to be seen easily,
Yaks chewing placidly, or
Zebras running wild and free, beautifully.