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Nov 2018
A kid at school hung himself
After it, posters of mental health
People grieving, a wailing hell
"Oh God. I knew him so well!"

Micheal was a stranger to me
Well, not when I was a bit older than three
He seemed like such an odd kid
I didn't think something was wrong with him

He was a pretty special guy
So the question is, why?
He was special in the other way
No, not bi, trans or even gay.

Michael had downs
But it never made him frown
Everytime I saw him he smiles
And so do I, for quite a while

I can't speak for myself
I didn't really talk to him well
But it angers me quick
When they prey on the loss like ******

Kids in high school are insane
They want sympathy, even just a grain
So when they whine and cry
It makes me want to provide a black eye

Micheal had struggled to live normally
And you aren't acting quite morally
When you cry among your wolf pack
Just for a feeling of a pat on the back

And then comes the next day
It's like all of it went away
You're back to acting as usual
Odd how now no grief lies in your skull

To you, he was flavor of the day
Ate him up like crème brûlée
To me, he may have been another face
But at least it's one I dont disgrace.

******* for making him your platform
Pretending to ******* mourn
Just so you act like you have a tough life
And get sympathy without being in strife

******* and your hollow morals
*******, with your fake, teary babbles
******* and your attention-seeking sniffles
******* for using his struggles.

****. You.
Written by
Noah  17/M/Pennsylvania, USA
(17/M/Pennsylvania, USA)   
       Makayla Jane and JZ
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