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Oct 2018
Trapped in a room staring at sheets, screens, and walls
Mind slipping to crunching leaves beneath my feet
Times of peace in a different world
A world uncontrolled
Nothing is simple only free to live in the light, untamed
Scratches on the door soft whimpers
Come here my boy
It could just be you and me together in our world
Soaking up the smells willow branches dancing around us
You and I embracing the uncontrolled
Running, laughing, sharing our silences
Tail wagging, dragging me from contemplation into a smile
Up with me
A friend unparalleled, companion in my fear and anger
Comfort in my sadness, destroyer of my loneliness
Lets go together, escape this life and join the leaves
Feel the underbrush, the rays of light together.
Just us two together with the wild
No more struggling to make life into more
Just being with the hum of the woods and the babble of brooks
Tomorrow maybe you and I we will go for a walk
A run
Into a new life, free together
Dedicated to J. Jarvis and his dog Boomer
Written by
Suzy Young
   --- and Fawn
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