i wonder if you still think of me as i still think of you we haven't seen each other in a few months haven't touched each other haven't looked at each other haven't talked to each other i wonder if you remember any of the unique little things about me like how i love gas stations or how i think bumblebees are cute and how i love the way bruises look i wonder if you remember the simple things like my favorite color or the type of music i like i sure remember those things about you maybe i wasn't important or good enough for you to remember those things you thought i was weird but i take that as a compliment why would i ever want to be with someone who couldn't handle my weirdness? we are complete opposites and yes, it's true that opposites attract we saw that from the very beginning but our relationship was bipolar a disorder of sorts at first, we were alright the magnets inside us were strong we attracted so well then we would repel we had our ups and downs we would be fine one minute and fighting the next it became manic our love's mental health deteriorated and the disorder kicked in in that moment, we were already gone we would have never survived the disorder grew the attractiveness gone our relationship died committed suicide and our love for each other with it