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Oct 2018
Never have i made this mistake, for which i pay...
Never have i felth like killing, for what i dont feel...
Never have i felth broken in my mind...

They say karma comes for us all, they say she hits with such wrath you never forget...and so now i notice the wrath completed.

Never have i made this mistake, for which i pay...
Never have i felth like killing, for what i dont feel...
Never have i felth broken in my mind...

I feel no pain, i feel only suffering... confusing as it may be, when your mind has entered a place where you see no end and no light, you cant help feel empty and wanting more but end up, wanting nothing... even Death is not a wish.

Never have i made this mistake, for which i pay...
Never have i felth like killing, for what i dont feel...
Never have i felth broken in my mind...
Iljano lepelblad
Written by
Iljano lepelblad  32/M/Greece
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