There is a great river Where it begins and where it goes Nobody Knows
Everyone floats down it, each steadfast in a little handmade boat At first it handles roughly, the task is arduous and fickle And It can be demanding just to stay afloat A battle against every ripple
The hull heaves as the water pulls to and fro And Cracks in the hull give way to the flow Water down below, Simply demands to be let go
Sometimes vast boulders of earth and rock fall Down Down into the water they go Shaping the current, and curbing its flow Sometimes imperceptibly so
On foggy days the water is strange and unpredictable The river is hidden Stones and Divisions emerge And vanish as visions and realities diverge
Now I’m pulled along Some days I wish the water was faster Others slower
I’ll fashion a sail to catch That gentle wind who holds the grass Guides the little things And sways the giants
Points of light dance in the sky, Playthings in the hues of night Shine against the fading of the light
Its then in that quiet hour When the heart turns sour And the hungry devour Those who are lost with nothing left to admire
It’s there in those flicks of yellow and the rare green flash There in the bridge of future and past I’ve left my heart I’ll return to it someday
For now I’ll keep my head locked up above As I’m pulled along Ever steadfast Towards that beautiful destination