(Genesis chapter 1:6 and God said: “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let the waters be divided by the water.” I never understood this statement, well not until I wrote this poem). The ocean. It’s just a wetter version of the sky a graveyard' of poetry that broke into my heart and open my eyes, and I saw the brightest darkness mirror reading handwritten dreams cuffing the stars consoling the rain whom tears laugh
and in that laughter, I hear the words God hates you these insulting tears that only once god could hear now speaks to me with warring tongues and I had nothing deep to say just a crushed sentence a pile of regret a sky that jumped on my train thought and we went from an angelic blue to a halo of black.
God, I do apologize if you feel like I have displeased you. See I have been searching for a weightless god because the others are too heavy and too weak like watered down gospel, Weak like the dark side of poetry Weak like a religious inside joke no one gets Forgive me for you know everything I don't
so tell me am I a self-portrait of you and will you promise to clean ***** lost souls like mine and will u forgive me for having an enchanted mind You see I often mistook you for a poem that has never been written Mistook you for masculine words that became undone I mistook you for a selfless father that has more than one son Mistook you for a sky filled with multiple sunsets.
I know nothing of you, you unseen god tell me am I of the other god am I his fleshly creation standing outside my normal heartbeat and on the footnotes of his story standing breathing whirlwinds on death ears of soundless music into the lungs of his bible The lungs of his heaven that often resembles the blood stains in his hell
blood that flows throughout my veins and into an anthem of sorrow Sung with broken tongues sorrow buried in all kind if ancient languages And I sit in this hell crying with roses that's been wounded by his thoughts and his words shoved into each other and I hate this
so much that I stripped down to pain and I am exposed naked with caution and I can see that my heart is a jealous god also an egoistic ghost filled with love I never felt a love that has no title
a love I am not entitled to feel and why should I be When that god knows I am a sleepwalking addict high off of pain why should I be when that God knows I am as useless as a headless butterfly When I should be more like the ocean Yeah just a wetter version of the sky The human body is made up of 75% water (So in Genesis chapter 1:6 when God said “Let the water be divided by the water.” Where did that water go? It is in me).