ten years ago, you sat next to me propped against a wall on my bed strumming each string of my red electric guitar tuning the cords, slowly, gently too embarrassed to play a song you were going to be a lawyer I was going to be a journalist we both had high hopes then
our usual food order was tater tots with extra (extra!) sauce and pad thai in a box which we'd swap back and forth in between sips of whiskey from your metal flask sitting on the curb of the parking lot late at night after everything closed both exhausted from work
you brought me a cd in the hospital I listened to it a hundred times I know all the lyrics to every song on it even a decade later the music is still ours, you know we gift each other mix tapes you always include a song by my favorite band (thank you) I couldn't make you just one playlist because all music reminds me of you
our conversations flow easy we bounce back and forth teasing, joking, talking openly you always make me laugh and I don't tell you this enough but I love you and our friendship even when we go months without ever talking to each other what we have is beautiful and so important to me, I cherish it every day
You ever think about what you'd tell people before you die?