The Dragon steals the waters of life, The Dragon steals the waters of life, The Dragon steals the waters of life,
a Hydra eats those who lie.
This is the story of Darr-en Gunn, His life was a short-en-ed one. While hunting some snakes having no lucky breaks. Found himself consumed by a gi-ant one.
Was warned of one snake, the seven-headed Drake. Found himself consumed by a gi-ant one. In Old Foggie swamps lies a place he haunts. With a hunter digesting in a Dra-gon!
The Dragon steals the waters of life, The Dragon steals the waters of life, The Dragon steals the waters of life,
a Hydra eats those who lie.
All children should learn of a swamp that churns. In a place where they say the wa-ter burns!
Hy-dra is originally Sy-dra. 'Sy' meaning 'thief' and 'Dra' meaning water so the Hydra is a water-thief. IE: it burns up the waters of life. 'Dragon' in Proto-Indo-European(the first language) was spelled 'Dher Ghen.' So "Darren," is Dher Ghen with the 'G' silent.