Lately all I've been feeling is lost Because whenever I want to **** myself I try to contemplate the cost But every time it is a battle that is hard fought Every time I get closer and closer just to ending it all And on those lonely nights, instead of trying to fix it I just continue to push my liver to its limits And people don't understand
People don't understand the true feeling of feeling lost People don't understand what it feels like when the only thing you feel is lost
People don't understand how therapy doesn't do anything Because if those therapists wouldn't get paid they wouldn't be there
People don't understand why talking about it doesn't do anything Because those people who listen don't ever know what to say
People don't understand why trying to be happy doesn't work Because it is impossible to shut out the voices from your head
People don't understand how our society is so heartless Because instead of helping you when you're down they kick you and beat you and taunt you Until you think you can't take anymore Then they make it worse
Lately I've just been feeling lost So lost that I can't even think straight anymore So lost that eating is something I feel like doing anymore So lost I don't even want to die anymore
So lost that all I can do is cry some more So lost that all I want to do is cry some more
Updated title and slightly different poem. Wasn't happy with the first one