. . . I can digg it, too . . . but don't go thinking you know me.
" wait. . . excuse me?"
I mean, I'm feeling you, for sure, but, don't get me wrong . . . until we've dugg down deep enough to truly see each other's truest selves and gotten stuck in each other's truest depths . . . I, mean . . . you can't possibly be that deeply entrenched in me just yet. I can't possibly have gone that deep in you just yet . . . we can't talk about the present as if it were the future, is what I'm saying . . .
" . . .go on."
we're still digging . . .
yes, you can digg it, and, so can I . . . but, don't you even dare begin to think we've reached our peak and don't you dare believe we've understood and don't you dare . . . don't you dare stop digging . . .is all I'm saying, ok? don't you ever, ever, ever stop digging . . . ok?